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来源:海外文摘·学术版 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-03-06
摘要:Overseas travellers put dining and sightseeing ahead of retail.相比购物,海外游客更爱餐饮和观光。 Chinese tourists flocking to European and Asian capitals in record numbers will be spending less on shopping and more on dini

Overseas travellers put dining and sightseeing ahead of retail.相比购物,海外游客更爱餐饮和观光。

Chinese tourists flocking to European and Asian capitals in record numbers will be spending less on shopping and more on dining and sightseeing as overseas travel becomes more mainstream and the lure of foreign prices diminishes.

[2] Retailers across the world have come to rely on Chinese tourists but the proportion citing shopping as their main travel motivation plunged to one-third this year from more than two-thirds in 2016, according to an annual survey by booking site and Ipsos1全球最大的市场研究公司之一。.

[3] “For the fi rst time in history, shopping is no longer the prime reason for[Chinese] international travel,” said Abhiram Chowdhry, Asia-Pacific vicepresident for . “The cliché2 cliché陈词滥调。 of Chinese travellers only being shoppers is reducing. It seems like they want more experiential travel.”





[4] The latest annual survey of Chinese tourists by consultancy Oliver Wyman found that while the average amount spent on an overseas trip rose slightly in 2016 to Rmb20,000 ($3,000),shopping expenditure per trip fell to roughly Rmb6,700, from Rmb8,050 in 2015.

[5] “You need to be prepared for a Chinese traveller that is not only interested in shopping... They want experiences.” said Hunter Williams, a Shanghai-based partner at Oliver Wyman.

[6] The fi ndings are echoed in a forthcoming3 forthcoming现有的;现成的。 FT Confidential Research4《金融时报》旗下独立研究机构。 survey that found that spending on shopping as a percentage of average trip expenditure fell to 37 per cent this year from 47 per cent in 2013. The amount spent on accommodation, food and entertainment rose from 31 per cent to 44 per cent.

[7] Zhu Yingbo, a 24-year-old from Chongqing who recently travelled to Thailand with his partner, is typical of lower-income younger travellers who are increasingly heading abroad. “We barely spent money on shopping, either me or my girlfriend,” he said.





[8] There are no official figures on the number of Chinese people travelling abroad, but Beijing says in 2016 its citizens took 122m overseas trips, an annual increase of 4 per cent.

[9] While 82 per cent of overseas trips are to Asian destinations, long-haul trips to Europe and the US have increased 25 per cent and 12 per cent respectively in the past year, according to .

[10] Higher prices for luxury goods in China once pushed shoppers overseas but companies are “harmonising” their prices globally, and border checks on tourists carrying multiple goods into the country have intensified, boosting domestic spending.

[11] The rising proportion of spending on hotels is partly explained by the fact that Chinese people are extending the duration of long-haul trips. Chinese travellers to the US spent an average of 16 days there last year, up from nine in 2015, according to Oliver Wyman.

[12] Tour groups—typified by long lines of tourists with matching hats following a flag-waving guide—have dominated China’s travel industry for decades. But the popularity of the groups is diminishing as people travel abroad more often.

[13] Young people in China’s biggest cities have had more exposure to overseas culture, and many are choosing to travel without groups. ■

文章来源:《海外文摘·学术版》 网址: http://www.hwwzzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0306/615.html


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