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来源:海外文摘·学术版 【在线投稿】 栏目:综合新闻 时间:2020-08-24
摘要:摘要:我总喜爱游览新奇美景,观赏奇风异俗。幼年之时,我便四处漫游,走过不少地方,深入故土的穷乡僻壤,作一番探索。 Account of My Travels游历记述 By Washington Irving Iwas always fond o


Account of My Travels游历记述

By Washington Irving

Iwas always fond of visiting new scenes, and observing strange characters and manners. Even when a mere child I began my travels, and made many tours of discovery into foreign parts and unknown regions of my native city, to the frequent alarm of my parents, and the emolument of the town-crier. As I grew into boyhood, I extended the range of my observations. My holiday afternoons were spent in rambles about the surrounding country. I made myself familiar with all its places famous in history or fable. I knew every spot where a murder or robbery had been committed, or a ghost seen. I visited the neighboring villages, and added greatly to my stock of knowledge, by noting their habits and customs, and conversing with their sages and great men. I even journeyed one long summer's day to the summit of the most distant hill, whence I stretched my eye over many a mile of terra incognita, and was astonished to find how vast a globe I inhabited.


我总喜爱游览新奇美景,观赏奇风异俗。幼年之时,我便四处漫游,走过不少地方,深入故土的穷乡僻壤,作一番探索。为此,父母常感惊恐,不过公告传报员 [1]却受益不少。及至少年,观察范围更趋广泛。每逢假日下午,我便畅游四周。由此,历史上或传说中的著名地方,我无不知晓。哪里有过凶杀抢劫,哪里出现过幽灵,我均能一一告知。我去邻近的村庄,观察其风俗习惯,与贤明之士和不凡人物交谈,从而知识大增。在一个漫长的夏日,我甚至远走他乡,爬上一座高山,极目远眺,凝视尚未去过的陌生地带。目睹我所居住的地球广阔无垠,我惊叹不已。

This rambling propensity strengthened with my years. Books of voyages and travels became my passion, and in devouring their contents, I neglected the regular exercises of the school. How wistfully would I wander about the pier-heads in fine weather, and watch the parting ships, bound to distant climes- with what longing eyes would I gaze after their lessening sails, and waft myself in imagination to the ends of the earth!


Further reading and thinking, though they brought this vague inclination into more reasonable bounds, only served to make it more decided. I visited various parts of my own country; and had I been merely a lover of fine scenery, I should have felt little desire to seek elsewhere its gratification, for on no country have the charms of nature been more prodigally lavished. Her mighty lakes, like oceans of liquid silver; her mountains, with their bright aerial tints; her valleys, teeming with wild fertility; her tremendous cataracts, thundering in their solitudes; her boundless plains, waving with spontaneous verdure; her broad deep rivers, rolling in solemn silence to the ocean; her trackless forests, where vegetation puts forth all its magnificence; her skies, kindling with the magic of summer clouds and glorious sunshine;- no, never need an American look beyond his own country for the sublime and beautiful of natural scenery.


文章来源:《海外文摘·学术版》 网址: http://www.hwwzzz.cn/zonghexinwen/2020/0824/422.html

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